I feel like this last year has been helter skelter ever since the end of last summer since my Psyc 304 Brain and Behavior class at UBC ended last August. I've been more focused on my income as I've been dealing with family businesses and family duties. Basically I get income from a rental property that we own but help out wherever need be, sort of like working as a property manager of sorts, with the help of my uncle. That's one thing. Another thing is that I have a family consulting business for which I do work for. While I don't do any consulting I still have a well defined role with the company. And as it is a small company I do a lot of leg work for that. Those two things are about it for family businesses, and the family duties include babysitting my nephew! It is not my brother's son but rather my cousin's son. But since my two cousins are very close with me and my brother, we are all considered uncles to my 'nephew'. Yeah and that about sums it up, oh yeah and I also did a bit of traveling with some friends. Sadly though, I've been unable to complete any classes during this time. All withdrawn. I'm past the upset phase and just in the phase to get back to it. I basically ended up taking a year off from school for myself. It's just that my priorities had effectively shifted based on my day to day life and my financial goals. I have much less stress in my life now than when I was in school simply because now at least I have money coming in. So the good news is I'm refreshed and have got the whole money thing sorted out. And even though my priorities shifted I still believe in this whole medicine thing 100%. The last few days I've been studying for my online biology class and I'm feeling really good and optimistic it. I think I'll be done that class in no time at all.
The best thing about this past year is that I sorted out my finances. By my projections, I can now go to school for the next two full calendar years and possibly beyond that. All I need is 20 classes to finish my degree. Now that money isn't an issue, I am free to pursue education stress free in that regard.
So I sort of tried this year, and may have failed again a little with the withdrawn courses, but at least they weren't failed courses and my GPA is unaffected. However, I strongly believe I can no longer withdraw a course barring some serious unexpected circumstances. I think I already have quite a few W's so no more for me and that's an almost certainty, unless I get hit by a car tomorrow and am in the hospital with a broken pelvis for a while or something like that. Luckily I don't play Pokemon Go so I think my risk is low, hah!
Also, my ECs are a lot better now after this year as well. And all my ideas are still similar. My target is UBC and I want to put my all into everything. I can't wait to finish my science prerequisites and put my all into the MCAT. Those are my next two goals.
If anyone has been reading my posts on premed101 on Trump, I hope you don't take it personally but I just reeeeaalllly like to debate. I guess I don't see things as crystal clear as someone who leans a bit one way or another does. For the record I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I believe in a pragmatic approach as well. I feel I'm about as center as you can get because I have no devotion to any party. Anyways I think politics are both important and entertaining. But that's all I have to say on that for now.
Within one week from today I'm gonna post about how my first bio assignment went. Or I'll just post my mark. Either way I've already started so I'm looking forward to finishing it.
If anyone wants to share what they are up to this summer feel free! Summer can be such a great time of year so it's good to take it all in. Anyways chat soon ya'll!