Saturday, 16 August 2014

Anatomy and Physiology I

So my course schedule is being pushed back a bit. I've been going slower than I would have liked. But I've really been picking up the pace in the past week. I'm almost ready to write the first midterm. Once I'm finished the first midterm I think I will write the second midterm fairly soon after the first, after I learn the modules first of course. I think it's just a result of my momentum of the course.

Some of the content I'm already familiar with from chemistry and biology courses, but it has been about 6-7 years since I first learnt it, so it wasn't that easy. However when I read about topics like transcription/translation, I feel like I've learnt that at least 5 times now. Although it can't be that many.

Taking this course is enjoyable though. I haven't quite arrived at the good stuff yet though, as I will be learning about nervous tissue, central and somatic nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, and somatic senses and special senses. Sadly the cardiovascular system isn't covered in this course, but it is covered in my next course, Anatomy and Physiology II! I can't wait. There are about 3 modules on the cardiovascular system and there are only about 12 modules. so a whole 25% of the course! And I should be excited, especially if I'm going to be a heart surgeon! Overall, I am very happy with choosing these two courses. Special thanks to lokiki for recommedning them. If it wasn't for her I'd be taking either chemistry, math, or social work right now. Needless to say, I enjoy physiology much more!

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