Monday, 1 September 2014

Pretending to be Training to be a Neurosurgeon

So in my Anatomy & Physiology I class there are 12 modules in total that we have to go through. My final exam tests 80% of it on modules 9-12 and the remaining 20% on modules 1-8. Modules 9-12 are all on the nervous system. I'm not sure which type of specialty I want to go into (although I am leaning towards cardiac surgery). So right now, I'm pretending that I'm studying to be a neurosurgeon (even though neurosurgeons probably learn this material in med school before residency). In any event, I think it would be cool being a neurosurgeon, but I kinda think a cardiac surgeon would be cooler.

From my limited knowledge, neurosurgeons seem to be the famous ones. For example there is the movie Gifted Hands, and then there is Wilder Penfield who by some is considered the greatest Canadian. Wilder Penfield was a pioneer neurosurgeon. From reading his biography, you can tell he had an amazing life. And of course, who can forget the Canadian Heritage Minute commercial on burnt toast and Wilder Penfield. I remember being 3 years old and watching that commercial.

Maybe being a neurosurgeon would be cooler than I thought.

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