So I have completed 3/4 midterms so far for my "first round" of midterms. I have my "second round" of midterms next month, but only in 2/4 classes. So 3 more midterms left this semester.
I'm eagerly awaiting marks for my one midterm I haven't received and also my Global Health essay. I'm still superstitious and don't like commenting on how I did. Kind of silly but that's just me. Soon I will be awaiting my mark for my midterm tomorrow, which is my global health midterm.
I really haven't studied that much for this midterm. I felt so depleted on Thursday (because of my busy week) that it affected my studying this weekend. Luckily there is some overlap of the material with my foundations of health science class. That was the midterm I wrote on Thursday. Hopefully there are lots of questions on that material. I also did an essay for my global health class, and researching for it allowed me to indirectly study a bit, but most importantly it clarified important topics in the class.
One of the problems is that I missed both of my global health classes last week because I decided to study for my other midterm. That might come back to bite me. But if you think about it, I'm sacrificing one class for another, which is what I would have been doing in the other class anyways had I gone to class, and it would've lowered my score on my last midterm. So it's kind of like I have to make a choice. Obviously the best thing would have been to start weeks ago and be good for both. But these last few weeks have been pretty crazy workload wise. This has easily been the most productive 3 weeks of my life. My 72% mark on my sexuality midterm is lower than I wanted, but aside from that I've been doing pretty good. I've only had a handful of days off since about Sept 27th. So that is progress for me. My work ethic is improving. If this would have been in the past I would not have been studying much and definitely not getting the marks I'm getting now.
Next month is going to be better, as long as I didn't miss much for my group project. It is in my global health class. Global health is what I feel to be my weakest class, so if do poorly on my midterm and poorly on my group assignment, I will end up with a B, best case scenario. Not the end of the world but it does set me back.
I shouldn't stress out too much about a B here and there because I have 1-2 years to get good grades. 2 years of good grades would put me in the conversation for UBC medical school. Speaking of UBC medical school, I also have some semi good news but I have to clarify it first. Basically my GPA is higher than I thought, and after my January semester, I may be above the minimum academic average for in-province at UBC medical school, which means I could apply to UBC medicine in August 2015 for admission in 2016. But I have to calculate my GPA based on UBCs criteria first. I'm not even sure if they will tell me the exact academic calculation formula, but they do post grading tables on their website, so worst case scenario I have an estimate. I'd hate to have my application disqualified because I didn't meet the cutoff though. I just want to "put my name in the hat" (for my international readers unfamiliar with that term, it's a figure of speech that means you want a chance, albeit however slight, at something that is based on chance. Sometimes in draws for prizes, people put their name on a piece of paper then put it in a hat to try to win the draw). I will phone UBC on Monday (if they are open at 430, which is what time my exam is done). If they're not open Monday I phone Tuesday. It is a very exciting idea that I could apply in 2015, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Nonetheless, I've been dreaming about it for the last few days. Maybe it was that feeling of happiness and complacency may have distracted me from studying for my midterm.
As I was writing this post I decided to check out for my global health instructor. Apparently one person never studied and still got a B. I really hope his tests are that easy, but the review is from 2011, so the instructor may have changed things up. I feel good that even if I get 0% on the midterm tomorrow, I can still get a B. Yes I am calculating my mark with a 0% because despite that review, I know the prof asks very tricky questions in class, and many times I don't know the answer, so the midterm could be similar to that. So yes, I could end up with 0% on my midterm. The midterm is worth 20%.
I'm going back to studying now.
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