Saturday, 21 February 2015

Chasing dreams since I was 14...

The title of my post is a Macklemore song (all credit goes to Macklemore and Ryan Lewis), and one that I really like too. But the lyric also sums up my ambition. No, not my medicine ambitions, but my athletic ambitions.

It has been a dream of mine to run on a university track team since I was about 14, or earlier. I never really fully pursued my dream, as I sort of abandoned competitive sports when I was in grade 10. I was trying to focus on my academics at the time, and sort of kept ignoring competitive running ever since.

What's sparking my interest now is that I turned 23 a few months ago, so basically if I ever want to run track competitively, the time to do it is within the next few years. What has also added fuel to the fire is that I've become a big supporter of UBC athletics, and their rich tradition inspires me.

Unfortunately, today I found out that there is a 10 semester rule, where you have to complete your 4 years of track eligibility within the first 10 semesters of full time studies. Thankfully though, I have between 2-6 semesters of full time studies completed, so I should be guaranteed at least 4 semesters of track, or 2 years. After some thought, I decided to drop my current courses at Langara, and take a few online courses instead. This way, I can save a semester of track eligibility, but still complete some courses. By doing this, I'm only behind by 2 courses, as I will have still completed 4 courses by April, but technically only 3 courses will count towards my track eligibility, which means the semester will not count against me. What sucks is that I lost $1100 in tuition that I can't get back, but it is a very small price to pay if it means I get to chase my dreams and get an extra semester of track eligibility.

So after about 3 hours of looking online at NAIA eligibility rules, I'm pretty tired (its almost 3am on the west coast) so I'm going to head to bed. Problem is, I can tell I'm not going to be able to fall asleep because I'm too excited right now. All of these ideas and dreams of track and the possibilities and my training get me way too fired up. I'm not in shape right now but I'm going to be maximizing my training efforts by training very efficiently. I have access to some pretty good resources as well, so I'm going to take full advantage and pursue my dreams. In my last post I talked about my childhood dreams of playing in the Stanley Cup NHL finals and going to UBC. Well if those were my childhood dreams, my teenage dream is to run university track. The only school I want to run for is UBC. I just can't give up on my dream, especially knowing that my prime physical fitness years will be over in about 7 years. With track, there is no telling how far I could go. I want to run for UBC. I want to run for Team Canada. I want to run at the Olympics. These are lofty goals but I want to chase them and chase them hard. Chase them as hard as I chase medicine. These goals might be crazy but I want to lay it all on the line. If I fail, then I fail, I came up short, but at least I could wake up 50 years from now as an old man and say that I gave it my absolute best. That is what it's all about.

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