Tuesday, 20 October 2015

What is this phenomenon called?

On Saturday night I felt a bit off and wasn't sure if I was coming down with some sort of cold or flu. Well when I woke up on Sunday, I was definitely pretty sick. It might be some sort of flu, but I'm not really sure because I don't know if I had a temperature. Luckily I didn't miss out on too much over the last few days because I had completed all of the work for my immediate deadlines in the paced courses. But this brings me to my next point...

For some reason, whenever I have period of sustained work to do, which is then followed by a relatively long period of where I have no deadlines to meet, I almost always get sick right after I've completed the period of sustained work, which then ruins the following time where I could be relaxing or doing work at a lighter pace. For example, usually after exam time in December, I may get a bit sick not long after my last final exam. It is almost like my body knows that the work period is too important to get sick for, so my brain/body pushes through that period and maintains my immunity, but then once all of the deadlines and commitments are over, it is like my systems just start to relax and I get sick. It is pretty strange. I remember it all started when I was in grade 11 or 12, and I managed to get sick after school finished for the Christmas break in December, and then right at the start of Spring Break, and even at the end of the school year in June for the summer break. There was also a time where I got sick at the start of a 4-day weekend in between there somewhere. This period of work-followed-by-sickness doesn't happen as much as it did that year, which was after the start of every single break, but it just happens once in a while now. Does anyone know what this is called? I'm pretty curious about it.

Anyways I'm starting to feel decent now (*knocks on wood*) and hopefully I will be 100% in the next 2 days. This also makes me glad I'm in online classes because I literally didn't miss a thing. Although I do have some deadlines coming up next week and I wasn't able to start the readings for those yet, so I'll be busy at the end of this week and this weekend so that I can complete those. It should be manageable though.

And there are still no marks put up yet for some assignments and quizzes I did. This actually reminds me of the last time this happened, which was my first semester back at school after a year long hiatus. That was the same semester I started this blog and I ended up with an A average. I know that the time it takes for a prof/TA to mark my stuff isn't a function of my grades, but I just got reminded of it and it made me think of how I did well that semester academically. I know I shouldn't get ahead of myself as I haven't even written the final exams yet, but I can't help but wonder if I'm going to do better this semester than I did in that good semester that I had.

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