Monday, 28 November 2016

English Improvment

Not submitting a long post right now, but I'm happy to say I got 95% on one of my English assignments. The assignment was worth a decent 10% of the final mark.

I'm basically finished the term paper and it's worth 25% of my final mark but I haven't handed it in yet. My prof extended the deadline for the class so I'm going to make some adjustments and edit it tonight. There's also this really wonderful librarian at the school I met the other week, and she said she'd be willing to look over my work. So tomorrow I'm going to take the assignment to her and hopefully she can look it over.

Aside from the term paper I also have one last essay to hand in as well which is worth 5% and one more discussion worth around 2%. Then it's the final exam in a couple weeks. I've started calculus and plants (that's the bio course), and once I can sit down and put in more time to those after I'm done my English work, then I think both those courses will go really fast. For calculus I just need to work on my algebra and functions but I already know most of the calculus itself. I just need to improve my skill is all, the knowledge is there. And the plant science course seems super interesting as well. Half of the course is on plant science basics and bioactive chemical aspects of plants. I'm guessing medicinal aspects will be in the latter. I love learning about medical knowledge, and honestly I really truly believe any knowledge is good knowledge. Some people don't seem to realize how diverse knowledge can be useful in their careers. Anyways I'll post updates as I get them. Talk soon and take care.

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