Friday, 3 July 2015

Not enough hours in the day

Right now, I'm debating whether or not I should go for a walk and run or if I should just stay home and study. I have an exam on Tuesday in my biopsych class, so I should probably study. But then I think I might be more efficient and relaxed if I exercise today. But then I think about the time it takes to exercise, because I take the bus to run and walk at UBC because it is so utterly boring to run in my neighbourhood, it takes me like 35 minutes on the bus to get to UBC. So there is over an hour of travel, plus an hour for walking, plus 45 minutes for running. So just under 3 hours just to do some simple exercise, which won't even include weights. I could get a lot of studying done in that time.

I'm pretty motivated to exercise because everyone has been saying that it looks like I've lost weight. And I have because as I said in the last post I'm the lightest I've been in 2.5 years. My diet is strict and even though I don't enjoy the taste of eating healthy, I feel very crappy if I eat something unhealthy, so it's almost not even worth it to eat unhealthy anymore because my good feelings around eating it are so reduced.

For school, I'll post my midterm mark after I get my marks back, which I'm thinking will be late next week. We also have an opportunity to get bonus marks as well, so I'll post if I got those. The topics for my next exam are the visual system, mechanisms of perception (the other senses) and attention, sensorimotor system, and neurodevelopment. I think neurodevelopment is my favourite topic, so I'm looking forward to that chapter.

I'm also trying out a new study strategy. If I do well on my next exam, I'll post the new process that I use to study, as I got it from a particularly good resource, and I'm quite optimistic about it.

I was hoping I would decide whether I should study or exercise over the course of writing this post. And I have. I'm going to go exercise, because I feel like not thinking right now (I've been studying all day), and also because I can't even afford to miss one day of exercise if I want to make the UBC Track team this fall. I know I can make up for lost time studying by studying efficiently over the weekend and maybe even tonight after I get back from my run and walk. I'm looking forward to what I can accomplish this weekend in terms of studying because it will be a big test for me. I haven't performed well in a 3rd year course before. So I'm looking to start changing that this summer, and that starts with getting a good mark on my midterm on Tuesday.

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