Sunday, 19 July 2015

Still Alive and The Colour Green

Well I made it home safely and am happy that I'm still alive after two nights of camping on the west coast of the island. I really thought I was going to see a bear though because there were warning signs saying that the site is in black bear country. Plus I was sleeping in a tent with food in it as well. I realized after that you're supposed to keep food that isn't being used in the vehicle or food cache. It was a great beach we camped on and I had a great time with my friends and we had a lot of laughs, so it was an all around good time. I loved the drive, and especially loved the nights on the beach. I slept so well with the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach at night. I really love the ocean and being right on the Pacific is so beautiful. I didn't take any pictures though because I had my phone off because there was no cell service. But I'd highly recommend camping at Sombrio Beach to anyone who is interested in camping in BC.

The colour green in the title doesn't refer to the forest when I went camping, (there was a forest by the beach) it refers to my money situation. Despite the fact that I don't currently have a student loan this semester, I still have a decent amount of funds for the summer, a lot of which was from grants. In addition, I got my first payment from the rental of my grandpa's from my aunt and uncle. The only caveat is that the house is going to be empty next month, and I won't be getting any money until it is rented again, which could be a couple days or a few months. I did post about potential rental income last year, but the thing is that the house is so old that we had to spend all of the profits on upgrades to the house. But still, the upgrades are essentials like roofing and plumbing, not things that increase the rental value like a new kitchen or bathroom. As such, the rent is quite low because the house is old and no one wants to put significant capital into the house and I don't have the money to do so. Maybe when I'm in residency I will though. If not, definitely when I'm an attending though. But anyways it's good to see that my agreement with my family is being honoured and that I'm getting at least some money. I noticied myself getting significantly thriftier though with this rental money, as opposed to my student loan money. Maybe that's a good thing. I think I'm going to be putting the money into a fund to save up to buy some real estate. I think that would be a smart investment. And it's also quite practical too because I'm not the sole owner of any real estate yet. Given these Vancouver real estate prices, I might be waiting a while though.

Another green thing is that I should be getting an RESP payment within the next month. It should be about $6600. I haven't had that much of my own un-loaned cash since I was working in 2013. It will definitely be nice to have that as well. I may just lump this RESP money with my rental income money from this month ( and hopefully future months! *knocks on wood*) and have a decent amount of cash available, if need be. I actually also have a small share as a minority owner in some real estate that my mom, brother, grandpa and I bought a few years ago. My share only comes out to a minimum of $5000 but it could be more than that.

If I add all of this up, I'm well on my way towards a down payment. A down payment is important because having my own place (that I owned) would allow me to go to university and take classes as much as I need to. If I want to pursue any higher education, having more money will also allow me to do that, in addition to any potential medical school line of credit I get.

All in all it's been a great day. I used to have a significant amount of money stress, but I feel like that has kind of melted away. This is obviously a great thing for me, although, I'm not going to fully relax until the RESP money is deposited into my account. So I'll post any ongoing activity for that once I know.

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