Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Bad News-But-At-The-Same-Time-Good News

So I have decided not to apply to medical school this summer. I am going to wait until 2017 to apply. The main reason is that I am not ready for the MCAT. I am missing a significant amount of essential science courses that cover MCAT material, and I cannot complete them all by the summer and still have time to review for the MCAT itself.

I've only completed the first half of first year chem and bio, and I've taken cell bio, and I'm currently taking organic chem 1. I've also done first year psych plus more psych classes. Nonetheless that means I'm missing physics, 2nd semester of biology and chemistry, organic chem 2, biochem, and sociology. All in all, I would feel a lot better if I did the courses first, so that I can absolutely destroy the MCAT next summer.

Plus it's not that big of a deal because I had a very low chance of getting in anyways because of my low average. So now I feel a lot better about not rushing my application and applying in 2017 instead of 2016. I am feeling so optimistic and I am hoping I can maintain my momentum and keep up the consistent work ethic from now until 2017 and beyond.

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