Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Community Volunteering

So I have been in touch with a few different organizations in my community in regards to volunteering. As I mentioned earlier I haven't yet been involved with any organizations since I moved away from Vancouver and back to my hometown so I decided I need to get on this now. I'm actually quite excited about all of the organizations I've contacted. The list goes like this:

1) Alzheimer Fitness and Social Group Volunteer

2) United Way Impact Council Volunteer (is basically a part of a committee that decides how funds should be spent)

3) Recreation Volunteer at First Nations Elderly Assisted Living Facility

4) Hospice Volunteer

These all sound like amazing positions and I think I would get a lot out of these positions but I would also have fun doing them too!

Here is the breakdown for where I am at with actually getting involved with these positions.

For number 1, the coordinator said she already has a volunteer (I guess they only need 1 volunteer), however that volunteer may be resigning and then a spot may open up for me. She said she would know by the first or second week of April.

For number 2, I had seen the position on their website, and I had been trying to get in touch with the office a few times but we hadn't connected yet. I was finally in touch with them today and the director asked me to come in to a group interview that she is having today at 4:30pm. That was definitely good timing on my part! Anyways we will see how that goes. I'll post tonight about where I'm at with them and if I'm able to volunteer with them.

For number 3, I had just left a message with the coordinator today.

For number 4, my local hospice takes in volunteers twice a year because the training is twice a year. I spoke on the phone with the lady at reception and she said she would email me the application package. It seems like a decently extensive application with quite a few questions on things like character and motivation for wanting to be involved with the hospice. I also need two references which I have already secured but not yet received. The application deadline is at the end of April. I'm hoping to get an interview and secure a volunteer position as it is everything I want; both challenging an demanding and helping sick people in a caring environment.

I am looking forward to try to get set up with these positions and determine if they are the right fit for me. My interview with the United Way is only in a few hours so I need to get ready for that - I want to make a good impression as I am very serious about dedicating my time to them. I am hoping it is as much responsibility as it sounds like. I am serious about all of these positions and that is why I'm looking forward to them - because I will likely get a lot out of it if I put a lot into it.

Anyways I will provide updates on these as I hear back from them. I also have some bad news-but-at-the-same-time-good-news about my next two applications to medical school.

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