Wednesday, 30 March 2016


I don't think confuddled is a word, but I feel like it describes this situation. My EC schedule is in a bit of disarray right now. In the past few months I mentioned in a post or two that I'm trying to schedule my first shift with the pilot project clinic at the children's hospital one city over from me.

Long story short, there was a delay since January because they had temporarily put a hold on accepting volunteers into the pilot project. Well earlier today, my volunteer coordinator finally introduced me via email to my volunteer supervisor at the clinic and said I can get started anytime. Great news right? Well the problem lies within my schedule. I had told the volunteer coordinator that I am very flexible due to my courses being online. But since I hadn't heard back from the children's hospital, I went ahead and made some plans to do a calculus course in person, one city over from me this summer in May and June, but in the opposite direction of the children's hospital. So it would take me 1 hour and 35 minutes to get from the children's hospital to my calculus lecture. My calculus lecture is 4 days a week too. And the lecture is in the middle of the day too so I can't go to the children's hospital on on those days. So I'm only available on Fridays during the week and, on weekends.

Anyways I told the supervisor this through email and I said I would be willing to either start the volunteer position once my course is over at the end of June, or I could possibly drop the course if that is the only way of keeping the position. I would really prefer not to drop the course, and in fact I only said I would possibly drop the course, so I am still not sure if I am willing to do that yet. However I can't do anything more until she replies to my email.

The implications are that I would either have to do the calculus course online or do it next summer (as I'm not a fan of taking in-person courses during the busy times of year in the winter, although I suppose I could if I had to). I need to take both semesters of first year calculus as a part of my bachelor's of science degree. I can still get my tuition back for the summer calculus course, but it just means I would have to do the course later. It might not be the worst thing in the world because then I wouldn't have to do calculus and organic chemistry in the same semester.

All in all, I will make my decision once I get an email back.

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